Thought for the Week – “O is for Opportunity”

I hope you had a great weekend.

You will know by now that my weekly blog is all about the A to Z’s of Success of the most successful entrepreneurs and leaders and we look at one letter each week. I have also been emailing it to you.

Last week’s Thought for the Week was “N is for No”.

And this week is all about “O is for Opportunity” …

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
Albert Einstein

“It’s through curiosity and looking at opportunities in new ways
that we’ve always mapped our path.”

Michael Dell

“Failure is only the opportunity more intelligently to begin again.”
Henry Ford

Great entrepreneurs focus intensely on an opportunity where others see nothing.

This focus and intensity each help to eliminate wasted effort and distractions.

Most companies die from indigestion rather than starvation, i.e., companies suffer from doing too many things at the same time rather than doing too few things very well.

So, we have to stay laser-focused on the mission.

Yes, we have faced the biggest challenges with Covid – at the same time, every cloud really does have a silver lining when it comes to Opportunity!

And there are so many incredible business opportunities to try in 2021 and beyond …

So, choose your opportunity, or opportunities, wisely.

I am amazed by the number of businesses that have had record success since Covid hit the World and I am sure you are too. They spotted an opportunity and pivoted their business to change with the times.

If you are looking to start a new business, or another stream to your existing activities, here are just some of the opportunities these companies have succeeded with …

Customer Support …

Many companies need help in assisting their customers, so if you excel at this, why not create your own customer support service? You can offer to handle enquiries on their behalf via chat, email and phone, using help desk software that allows you to manage customer interactions from one central location.

Consulting …

This is one of the most common business opportunities and many specialists start consulting to help a broader range of people with a specific skill. For instance; you might be a Facebook Ads expert who helps businesses to run effective Facebook ads.

Whatever it is that you are an expert in, you can share this with others to help them succeed too. So, think about the key skill you excel in and then focus on finding people who need help with this.

Freelancing …

In freelancing, you practice your skill for other businesses, rather than share your knowledge as you would with consulting.

If you’re looking for a more hand-off business, you can hire freelancers and delegate projects to them, so you can better scale your business. Freelancing is an ideal business opportunity to pursue from home as it often involves writing, graphic design, photography etc.


Drop-shipping one of the best business opportunities when working from home. It has a low barrier of entry, making it a fantastic opportunity for creating another stream of income, or for beginners looking to start their first business.

In case you don’t know, drop-shipping is when a seller sells and manufacturers products, but it’s the manufacturer who creates, packages, and ships the products to the customer. So, this makes it a hands-off and inventory-free business.

You can sell products in an endless range of niches such as fashion, beauty, pets, home, automotive, and so much more. If you’re looking to start an online business, this is one of the most popular business opportunities you can capitalise on today

Print on Demand …

As well as drop-shipping being popular, print on demand is also proving to be a popular opportunity. With print on demand, you design your own products and then a manufacturer prints, packages and ships products to customers on your behalf.

The critical difference between drop-shopping and print on demand is that with the latter, you’re selling one-of-a-kind products that nobody else is selling. Whilst you would have to do your market research first to see what people want (you can use Google to assess this too), the advantage is that you’ll be the only seller offering this.

Other opportunities include …

Blogging – where you have the opportunity to create many potential sources of income through things like affiliate marketing, sponsorships etc. You can even earn passive income by publishing articles.

Affiliate Marketing – you can become an affiliate of your chosen top brands, such as Amazon, Shopify etc. and an affiliate marketer earns a small percentage of sales they bring in, and with volume, this can be extremely lucrative. You would promote these products by recommending them through a web site or blog for instance.

These are just a few examples of successful businesses who have spotted an opportunity and it has really worked for them.
“If a window of opportunity appears, don’t pull down the shade.”
Tom Peters

Why not explore your opportunities with me in a FREE CLARITY SESSION? You can book it HERE and we can meet via Zoom or Skype. There is absolutely NO OBLIGATION. So it really is a no-brainer.

Have a great week!

With very best wishes for your success.


Find out more about “The A to Z’s of Success”

Published by korinnethrive

Hello, I’m Korinne … I work with committed and determined professionals who want to master their communication skills. Often they believe they are doing OK and yet they know they are not getting the results they want and deserve. I’m passionate about helping people to achieve their vision and get results. I have been working with Business Owners and Leaders for more that 25 years, helping them to realise their vision of what they truly want, overcome barriers to effective communication, so they can be the best version of themselves and thrive in their lives.

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