Thought for the Week – Shoot for the Moon!

Last week’s Thought for the Week was about “Continuity and Infinity” and what symbolises ‘continuity’ for you when it comes to moving towards your goal(s). [You can find all previous posts here in my blog]

After working with hundreds of clients now, I have found that it is well worth drilling down on the goal they believe they want.

And this is because 9 times out of 10, that initial goal turns out to be a milestone goal on the way to what they actually want, i.e., their ‘bright shiny goal’ that lights them up with excitement!

For instance, one client came to me saying they wanted to be more assertive so they could have more authority. Now, of course this is a great skill to have!

Then when we drilled down on what achieving this would actually give her, it turned out that her ‘bright shiny goal’ was Financial Freedom so she could provide the life she wanted for her children without having to worry again about money.

And THAT lit her up – I could see her transform before my eyes when she realised that! She suddenly became energised and hugely motivated.

I just love those moments!

One of the things a lot of my clients struggle with the most is feeling seen, heard and connecting with others so they can have the authority and success they want and deserve.

This is why I developed “The Communication Code Group Coaching Programme” which I will be opening up again in a few weeks.

So, when someone mentions “Goals”, how do you feel?

  • Everyone should have at least one?
  • Just another thing on your “To Do” List?
  • One of those things people go on about but you don’t see the point?
  • A sense of dread?
  • You don’t believe having a goal makes much, if any, difference?

Think again!

If you feel like that then you haven’t yet found your ‘bright shiny goal’!

How can I possibly know this?

Because if you have, you just would not feel that way!

My goal is all about having Freedom and Peace of Mind and that is what excites me. That may mean nothing to you, but it does mean everything to me – and probably to a lot of people.

I have a vivid image in my mind of what that looks like too!

It means so much to me because of the time in my life when I felt incredibly trapped and stressed and I struggled for a long time.

So, to me personally, Freedom and Peace of Mind is everything! And I am so grateful that I am now enjoying that and 90% of the way to reaching my vision.

I got here because of my pure determination, resilience and strength and I will always have that because it is so deeply engrained and I am certainly never going back where I was before!

So, I invite you to think about what really lights you up!

I would also like to invite you to book a Complimentary Consultation with me, where you can explore your goal and vision. 

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”

-Les Brown-

As always, I will leave you  with that thought!

With best wishes.


P.S. Ask me about the next Communication Code Group Programme

Published by korinnethrive

Hello, I’m Korinne … I work with committed and determined professionals who want to master their communication skills. Often they believe they are doing OK and yet they know they are not getting the results they want and deserve. I’m passionate about helping people to achieve their vision and get results. I have been working with Business Owners and Leaders for more that 25 years, helping them to realise their vision of what they truly want, overcome barriers to effective communication, so they can be the best version of themselves and thrive in their lives.

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