Thought for the Week – Fear’s Hidden Gifts

gift-of-fearI hope you are having a productive week so far.

Last week’s thought was; “Rewriting Your Narrative” about challenging the conditioning that doesn’t serve us well and rewrite our narrative with empowered perspectives. If you missed it, you can see this and all of my previous blogs below.

When I work with clients and we explore what is holding them back from their hopes / goals / dreams, so often it boils down to fear.

Fear is what can hold us back from embracing new opportunities, making changes, and pursuing growth.

Of course, fear is a natural part of the human experience and in-built for a very good reason; to keep us safe. Like the Stress response – fight or flight, it is part of our biology as humans.

Just like embracing and learning from the stumbling blocks on our journey, how can we learn to reframe fear as a catalyst for transformation and advancement?

Last week, I gave the quote from Marianne Williamson, which you may have heard before – sometimes we can be afraid of our own success and the potential perceived consequences of that.

We encounter different types of fear, from the fear of failure to fear of the unknown. How much do you think these fears might be rooted in conditioning?

Similar to stumbling blocks, fear can either paralyse us or push us forward. In my experience, fear can be a powerful driving force when harnessed correctly. Shifting our perspective on fear can help us see it as one of our stepping stones on our journey towards personal and professional growth.

If you can relate to this, here’s a question …

How you can break free from the paradox of fearing fear itself, and instead, leverage fear to propel yourself out of your comfort zone and towards uncharted territories?

Now this may seem bizarre; in certain cases, fear can actually present itself as a hidden gift. If a lion is running towards you, you may not see fear as a gift! And yet it’s that fear that warns you, pumps blood and adrenaline and noradrenaline around your body powering you up to run for cover!

In everyday life, how can we break free from the paradox of fearing fear itself, and instead, leverage fear to propel ourselves out of our comfort zone and towards uncharted territories?

In actual fact, fear often indicates areas where we should be paying attention, highlighting areas where growth and change are possible and necessary. We can embrace fear through personal strategies, such as practicing mindfulness, looking for the opportunities that may not be obvious, setting incremental goals, seeking support, and embracing a growth mindset.

Our conditioning often resists change, but it’s through change that we find new avenues for growth and fulfilment. So, if we can connect the concept of embracing fear with the idea of embracing change, we can gain extraordinary success.

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face!”

-Eleanor Roosevelt-

Curious about how to navigate this path embracing fear? Let’s explore together. Book a Complimentary Discovery Call with me HERE.

You are capable of achieving remarkable things, and it’s time to unveil your inner warrior and recognise that – without hesitation.

With best wishes for your success,


Thrive Coaching & Training – Empowering you to Thrive!

P.S.  The next available Communication Code Group Coaching Programme starts on the 19th October! Check it out.


Published by korinnethrive

Hello, I’m Korinne … I work with committed and determined professionals who want to master their communication skills. Often they believe they are doing OK and yet they know they are not getting the results they want and deserve. I’m passionate about helping people to achieve their vision and get results. I have been working with Business Owners and Leaders for more that 25 years, helping them to realise their vision of what they truly want, overcome barriers to effective communication, so they can be the best version of themselves and thrive in their lives.

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