Thought for the Week – Balance Realigned!


My last Thought for the Week was “The Pathway to Mastery” all about mastering our inner reactions so we can become more effective communicators, have more authentic authority and enjoy success.

Most of us want to be the best version of ourselves in each area of our lives, whether it is at work, in our personal lives, in sport, as parents, in hobbies etc.

At the same time, we are human and learning as we go! If we make mistakes along the way, that’s all part of our journey and hopefully we learn from that and keep developing.

And that’s it – it’s all about learning isn’t it! From the first moment we are born we are learning, to the best of our ability, right up until the moment we pass on.

But how much pressure we put on ourselves sometimes! Yes sometimes we have a deadline such as an exam, or work commitment or something we have to learn about. As long as this is just temporary pressure, we can cope with that.

For me, while I’m coaching and running training programmes I’m continuing to learn all the time. Learning happens in serious situations and also when we are “at leisure”, “at play” and doing interesting and fun things. In fact, over all the years I have been running training programmes, I have seen that the greatest learning happens when people are relaxed and having fun!

So, putting ourselves under loads of pressure over prolonged periods is detrimental to our short-term and long-term wellbeing and success.

Only you will know how to balance this in your life. At the same time, many people struggle to do that – I have been helping people for a long time, through counselling, coaching and training programmes.

So, if you would like my help, why not book that 30-minute consultation with me! It’s completely complimentary and there are no obligations at all. After 30 minutes, you will have gained more clarity on your next steps to get where you want to be, empowering you to thrive. Choose your time slot HERE

“Getting in balance is not so much about adopting new strategies to change your behaviors, as it is about realigning yourself in all of your thoughts so as to create a balance between what you desire and how you conduct your life on a daily basis”
Wayne Dyer, Being in Balance

[Self-help author and motivational speaker]

As always, I will leave you with that thought!

With best wishes for your success.


Korinne Le Page
Thrive Coaching & Training
P.S. I am now opening up places for The Communication Code Group Coaching Programme starting on October 20th. Click HERE to find out more.

Thought for the Week – The Pathway to Mastery


My last Thought for the Week was “Calm is a Superpower!” and how being calm does not mean you’re weak. On the contrary; being calm in times of adversity is an incredible strength and pure mastery.

And when it comes to the way we connect and communicate with others, then we cannot master great communication until we master our inner self! Inner mastery is key to self-growth.

We can try to control so many factors outside of our control, but if we can achieve inner-mastery, self-growth becomes easier for us to achieve.

To achieve this, we need to have some form of control, either internal or external. However, external control puts us at the mercy of others, while internal control puts us at our own mercy! So, it’s all about mastering our inner self and learning to control our impulses.

A while back, I shared with you a great tool called “The Sphere of Control & Influence” and I invite you to check this out (you will find this in my blog). So many people I have coached tell me this very simple tool has completely changed how they master their inner self.

Of course, we learn to master our inner self in various ways …

  1. Struggling alone through trial and error and learning from our mistakes (hopefully)
  2. Going through very challenging life experiences
  3. Through a great leader supporting us in our growth
  4. Through having a great team around us where we feel safe to give and receive genuine feedback
  5. Through training courses
  6. Receiving great coaching with a great Development Coach
  7. Through a Group Coaching programme where you are with like-minded people with similar challenges and build trust to experiment and work through your challenges.

We are all at different stages in our self-growth and struggling through is learning in itself because it gives us an example of how we DON’T want things to be! It also motivates us to make serious changes.

I have learned throughout my life by all of the points above 1-7 and by far the most effective were 3, 6 and 7 (at different times) BUT only when I was at the right point in my life for these to work for the long-term. If I hadn’t been, then it would have been a bit like that proverbial sheep dip and probably wouldn’t have changed much!

I work with business owners and leaders who are ready for that next step and to take on that challenge. They have struggled on alone for long enough and, because they aren’t getting the results they hoped for, they realise it comes down to the way they communicate in certain situations.

Most of them are actually quite good communicators! There are just certain areas where they are uncertain, so they lose confidence and authority because something is holding them back. Very often they have no idea what that is. Sometimes they are aware but just don’t know what to do about it.

If you would like to explore this further, you can BOOK A COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION After 30 minutes, you will have gained more clarity on your inner mastery and the next step you need to take to thrive and get where you want to be in your life.

We won’t fix everything in 30 minutes of course! What you will take away with you at the end is a greater awareness of what has to change and how to do that. You can choose your time slot HERE

“Most people are interested in success, but are too busy and distracted by their habituated day to day activities, to be COMMITTED to creating real success in every area of their lives.”
Tony Dovale-

[Founder and CEO of Life Masters. He’s the Business Soul Surgeon, and the #BulletProof Growth-Optimised Mindset Guy].

As always, I will leave you with that thought!

With best wishes for your success.

P.S. I am now opening up places for The Communication Code Group Coaching Programme starting on October 20th. Click HERE to find out more.

Thought for the Week – Calm is a Superpower!



My last Thought for the Week was “Now vs Then” and how, while we may feel disappointed with our life right this moment and compare it with happier times way back, we then realise how much closer we are right now to all we ever wanted than we were back then!


This week, I saw a great LinkedIn Post from @Kelly Mizell (Senior GM at JLL) talking about “Calm is a Superpower” – did you see it? I thought how timely is that because I mentioned this thought in my blog; “The Cradle of Power” a couple of weeks back!

Great minds think alike … and in synchronicity!

Kelly says ….

“It’s easy to get upset. It’s easy to get angry and strike out. It’s easy to get offended and take things personally, even when they weren’t intended to be so. What isn’t easy is choosing to be calm in a fearful society. Being calm does not mean you’re weak. On the contrary; being calm is an incredible strength”.

“One of the best lessons you can learn in life is to master how to remain calm. Calm is a super power.”
~ Bruce Lee ~

And she showed this powerful image of a white tiger.

I agree with Kelly. And when it comes to the way we connect and communicate with others, then the first step has to be to ideally only approach any situation when we feel calm.

Yes, we are only human! If we find ourselves getting riled up over something, where can we go to recalibrate and find that inner calm? Our “Treehouse”? (I wrote about this recently too).

But how about if we don’t have time to go to our “Treehouse” to find some calm and inner peace and we have to respond right there and then?

Well as Bruce Lee suggests, we have to learn to master this inner calm and this is the first step we cover on “The Communication Code” Group Coaching Programme; We cannot master great communication until we master our inner self!

As you know, I help business owners and leaders just like you to be seen, heard, connect and communicate with impact and authority so they can enjoy the impact and business success they deserve. I bring tried and tested insights that will cut through your challenges and replace them with the right solutions for you, your business and your industry.

If you would like my support, you can BOOK A COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION After a 30-minute consultation, you will have gained more clarity on your next steps to become an outstanding communicator, empowering you to thrive. Choose your time slot HERE

“The body is an outstanding source of strength; the mind an incredible source of intelligence; the heart an uncommon source of might; and the soul a remarkable source of power.”
– Matshona Dhliwayo –

[Philosopher, Entrepreneur, and Author]

As always, I will leave you with that thought!

With best wishes for your success.


P.S. I am now opening up places for The Communication Code Group Coaching Programme starting on October 20th. Click HERE to find out more.

Thought for the Week – Now vs Back Then!


Last week’s Thought for the Week was about “Roadblock or Gateway?” and how, if we need to slow down our journey to get more clarity, we can see that an apparent “road block” could actually be the gateway we need to move forward.

See previous blogs below.

This week’s Though will be short and sweet and I would love to know what you think about this!

  • How do you look back on your past? With pride or with regret?
  • How do you see your present moment? With pride or disappointment?

Some of my clients have found that when they reflect on their past, they do so with pride and yet they feel more disappointed with their life in the present moment!

But then they realise how much closer they are right now to all they ever wanted than they were back then!

Is any of this this at all true for you *|FNAME|*?

When it comes to how we communicate, believe me, until we see what’s holding us back, we will struggle to communicate effectively and authentically.

“Take pride in how far you’ve come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don’t forget to enjoy the journey.” 

-Michael Josephson-

[Credited by many as the person most responsible for reviving and professionalising the character education in school and youth-serving organisations.]

As always, I will leave you with that thought.

I also invite you to book a Complimentary Consultation with me where you can explore this further.

With best wishes for your success.

P.S. I am now opening up places for The Communication Code Group Coaching Programme starting on October 20th. Click HERE to find out more.

Thought for the Week – Roadblock or Gateway?


My last Thought for the Week was about “The Beast and The Mountain” and how we only have to move forward one day at a time to get where we want to go. It’s all about our mindset around “success” and what that means to us.

[See my previous blogs below]

What has moving forward one day at a time got to do with ‘Communication’ you may wonder?

Well as you know, in my work as a Coach, I specialise in helping business owners and leaders to be seen, heard and have the impact, empowerment and authority they deserve.

How do they achieve this? By communicating in an authentic and positive way so people take them seriously.

Many business owners and leaders are doing well enough but actually struggle with this at times, even if they keep it to themselves …

And, until they know how to overcome this, self-doubt holds them back from communicating effectively …

And at what cost to them?

In my Group Coaching Programme “The Communication Code”, we start with what’s holding you back and the key to success is knowing how to navigate and remove these road blocks. We are all different and there are numerous blocks.

We have all been on communication courses where you dive straight into what words we should use and how to say them, and that is necessary, BUT …

… until we truly understand what holds us back, we will continue to struggle.

The good news is that we can overcome these a step at a time.

Let’s take a case study of a client of mine (and of course I won’t use her real name, let’s call her “Gemma”) …

Gemma has been an established business owner for 8 years and employs 2 people. So, she is a business owner and a leader and she was on my group coaching programme called “The Communication Code”.

She is great at what she does and comes highly recommended. What she struggled with though is scaling up her business further.


Because she believed that other people were more successful or “better” than her. And this was coming across in everything she was communicating …

  • In her conversations.
  • In her marketing.
  • On social media.
  • In emails.
  • At networking events.

It was subtle and yet disempowering her to the extent she just could not move forward – she was actually holding herself back.

It emerged that she was afraid of success because of how she experienced powerful and successful people, both male and female.

She thought she would have to become more aggressive if she wanted to grow her business. But she feared that she’d lose respect (and clients) if she became successful.

Gemma had mistaken “power and success” for aggression. Completely different! 

She had a light bulb moment …

Once she recognised her own self-limiting beliefs, she realised that most of these people were not being aggressive! They were simply communicating their own truth and that appeals to like-minded people who want what they offer.

Gemma didn’t particularly want what they offer and that didn’t make them negative or aggressive, they just didn’t appeal to her.

In fact, just one of those people could actually be aggressive at times if they pushed something on others that they didn’t want.

Gemma realised that is not her style and she didn’t have to be aggressive at all! What excited her was seeing how her products helped people and even changed their lives. And that’s what really mattered.

After that, she overcame her road blocks and her communication changed in very subtle and powerful ways. Now she is seeing her business success soar, she now employs 6 people and has won two industry awards in the past month!

Now she sees her “road block” as her “Gateway to Success”.

“I think of them as speed bumps instead of roadblocks. Just a minor delay to get me over the hump on the highway to my dreams. You never know the things you might see if you slow down on your journey so you can learn and enjoy the moments.” 

-Michelle Colon-Johnson-

[Founder of 2 Dream Productions, Inc. and a contributing writer for places such as The Huffington Post, The Good Men Project, Addicted 2 Success and She Owns It.]

As always, I will leave you with that thought.

I am now opening up places for The Communication Code Group Coaching Programme starting on October 20th. Click HERE to find out more.

I also invite you to book a Complimentary Consultation with me where you can explore the impact you are having and how you can communicate more powerfully.

With best wishes for your success.

P.S. Ask me about the next Communication Code Group Coaching Programme

Thought for the Week – The Beast and The Mountain!


I hope you are keeping well.

My last Thought for the Week was about “The Cradle of Power” and how we can be afraid of our own power, and yet when we are quietly powerful, we have more impact than ever!

[See my Previous Blogs]

Talking of power; to achieve what we want to achieve, we don’t have to go out there and slay the beast or scale the entire mountain. That’s not how it’s done.

“I have no desire to prove anything by dancing …

I just dance”

-Fred Astaire-

We only need to move through today.

  • Think of the distance you’ve already covered.
  • Focus on your strengths and achievements.
  • Let each new step remind you of your freedom to get where you want.
  • Let every breath remind you of your innate power.

Dance life’s dance, just a few steps at a time, and in the wink of an eye you will wonder to yourself, “What beast, what mountain? Was I having a dream?”

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain”

-Vivian Greene-

[British writer]

As always, I will leave you with that thought.

I also invite you to book a Complimentary Consultation with me where you can explore the impact you are having and how you can communicate more powerfully.

With best wishes for your success.


P.S. Ask me about the next Communication Code Group Coaching Programme

Thought for the Week – The Cradle of Power!



My last Thought for the Week was about “Where is Your Treehouse?” and having a place where you can regroup, revitalise, get a new view of a situation, answer a difficult question, solve a challenging problem, or see something you’ve been missing.

[See my Previous Blogs]

To start with a quote:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure”

– Marianne Williamson –

What does this bring up for you as you read it?

Often those little ‘gremlins’ of ours can pop up and say things like:

“Who am I to be powerful?”

Well, why shouldn’t you be powerful!

The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.

-Alice Walker –

[Novelist and Poet]

What comes up for you when you hear the word ‘powerful’?

Often, people think of ‘power’ as a negative thing where people wield it to get one up on others.

Of course, there are people who use power in that way.

And there are plenty of people I know who are powerful in brilliant ways that inspire and empower those around them all the time.

And that’s what I’m talking about!

For instance, we don’t have to have a booming voice to be powerful – it is often when fewer words are spoken in a quietly powerful way that leave us with the biggest positive impression, right ?

What do you think?

Can you think of someone you admire who is quietly powerful?

What qualities to they have?

And when you are around people you admire in this way, they are empowering you to do the same, probably without even realising it!

Calmness is the cradle of power.

– Josiah Gilbert Holland –

[American Novelist]

As always, I will leave you with that thought.

I also invite you to book a Complimentary Consultation with me where you can explore further how you communicate powerfully and the impact you are having.

With best wishes for your success.


P.S. Ask me about the next Communication Code Group Programme

Thought for the Week – Where is Your Treehouse?


I hope you are well. Since my last Thought for the Week, I have now moved house, hence nothing from me last week!


My last Thought for the Week was about “Communication at Work” which was about how we can influence better communication with others and how we have to work at it.

[See my previous blogs below]

A big part of this is Emotional Intelligence, so we can take a fresh perspective on a situation to deal with a difficult situation or to see something that we have been missing.

Did you ever play in a Treehouse when you were young?

What better way to escape the troubles of daily life than to go up and experience the welcoming embrace of a treehouse! Like a bird in its nest, we feel safe in the branches surrounded by a curtain of green leaves where we can breathe more freely and think more clearly.

Also, the oxygen that is released by the leaves feeds our hearts and brains and we get a birds-eye view of everything below.

Trees are vital. As the biggest plants on the planet, they give us oxygen, store carbon, stabilise the soil and give life to the world’s wildlife.

We may choose to be alone or we may invite someone to join us. Either way, we get to decide who comes and goes there and it is the ideal vantage point on the life that continues below the branches. Often, a new view of a situation is just what we need to answer a difficult question, solve a challenging problem, or see something we’ve been missing.

Then, when we come back down, we are ready to enter the world again, cleaner, clearer, and often more inspired.

So, where is your “Treehouse” these days?

If you don’t have an actual treehouse, what other locations could provide you with a similar experience? Or, you can just close your eyes and visualise yourself in your treehouse and you can go there whenever you can create a quiet space for yourself.

By the way, my new house is not a treehouse but I can make it just like one whenever I want!

“This tree house became our galleon, our spaceship, our Fort Apache … Ours was a learning tree. Through it we learned to trust ourselves and our abilities.” – Richard Louv –

[Journalist and author of ten books, including ‘Our Wild Calling’]

As always, I will leave you with that thought.

I also invite you to book a Complimentary Consultation with me where you can explore further how you communicate and the impact you are having.

With best wishes for your success.

P.S. Ask me about the next Communication Code Group Programme

Thought for the Week – Communication at Work!


Last week’s Thought for the Week was about ” How do you Know Your Impact?“. This was about how much impact each of us has on the people around us and we probably don’t realise just how much.

[See my previous blogs below]

I’m in the process of moving house and you will know only too well I’m sure how stressful that can be! And in this situation, communication is critical, right!

When communication is good, things run smoothly.

When communication is lacking, well, do I need to say more? ☹

How do I deal with this?

If I get frustrated with the other person, that just snarls things up even more! (As tempting as that is because we all tend to revert to ‘survival mode behaviours” when under stress!)

I have to accept that I can’t do anything about how other people communicate, all I can do is influence their communication through my own communication.

Whilst our brains are highly-evolved pieces of kit, did you know that they are basically in two halves?

The left-hand side of our brain is the logical part.

The left-hand side is our emotional and creative part.

When under stress, the emotional side takes over the logical side … unless we make a choice to respond differently and that is what we have to learn how to do!

So, while I was on the phone to someone trying to move forward with my move, I just wanted to be heard because I needed to explain something and the other person just wasn’t listening. They were making assumptions of what they thought I wanted to say. So, I had to consciously choose my response!

I took a deep breath (this rebalances the two halves of the brain), I chose not to get stroppy and instead chose how I could move that conversation forward more effectively through my own communication. And it went much better after that. Thankfully, we are now on track!

Communication works for those who work at it.”

-John Powell-

[English composer most famous for his work on animated movies]

It takes time and energy to become a great communicator. Though some people start out better than others, we can improve as long as we put in the effort.

As always, I will leave you with that thought.

I also invite you to book a Complimentary Consultation with me where you can explore further how you communicate and the impact you are having.

With best wishes for your success.


Korinne Le Page
Thrive Coaching & Training
P.S. Ask me about the next Communication Code Group Programme

Thought for the Week – How do you Know Your Impact?


Last week’s Thought for the Week was about “Hearing What Isn’t Said“. This was about how our interactions can be deeply enriched by hearing what is NOT being said and I invited you notice this over the week.

[See my previous blogs below]

Do you ever wish you could have more impact and influence in meetings with clients, colleagues, prospects etc?

How do we know how much impact / influence we have had?

We will know if a new client signs up, or we get a new contract, project or whatever. But what about other times when we have no way of knowing because it’s quite intangible isn’t it!

How would you define, discover, understand or leverage it?

I can assure you that you have more impact than you realise. We all do.

“Sociologists tell us the most introverted of people will influence 10,000 others in an average lifetime.” 

-Tim Elmore-

[Founder and CEO of Growing Leaders]

Imagine how many people you have knowingly and unknowingly influenced in your life so far. Every person you come in contact with is impacted in some way.

For example, if you hold the door open for someone, that has an impact.

Whether or not they say “thank you” impacts you.

You may feel satisfaction if they acknowledge you and disgruntlement if they don’t!

If you compliment a co-worker on their performance, you have had an impact on that person.

If you criticise another person, you have also impacted them.

As you can see, impact can go in two different directions: negative or positive.

What is Impact?

To have a strong effect on someone or something. Synonyms: affect, influence, have an effect on, make an impression on, hit, touch, change, alter, modify, transform, shape.

We typically go about our daily routines without considering our impact. We don’t consider whether we are making a positive difference or a negative impression.

How aware do you think most of us are on how we affect others in our daily lives? And the ripple effect of that, positive or negative?

When we realise that we have more impact than we think, we also have a choice: Will we have a positive impact or a negative impact?

Each of us has a great deal of power over our environment and our influence in this World and we don’t need to be famous or wealthy or write a book to be influential. We have family, friends, co-workers, peers, clients and random people we come into contact with all the time.

We also have freedom of choice.

We can choose what our impact is on others. We can choose our legacy on this Earth.

I learned in life that we get what we give and our impact equals our legacy and I told you about a Manager I had years ago who had an incredible impact on my life, and she doesn’t even realise it.

If we are intentional about our influence and impact, our influence will matter a great deal.

“Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap.”

– Zig Ziglar

As always, I will leave you with that thought.

I also invite you to book a Complimentary Consultation with me where we can explore this further.

With best wishes for your success.

P.S. Ask me about the next Communication Code Group Programme