Thought for the Week – Taking the Step!


I hope you enjoyed last week’s Thought for the Week; “The Power to Connect about one of the biggest struggles people face. i.e., a lack of confidence and the fear of upsetting others by saying the wrong thing. And yet, when we know how to just listen, communicate in a certain way and authentically, it just becomes so much simpler!

You can read my previous blogs here below.

I also emailed you this week about the words we use and how people can stress themselves out over ‘words’ when in fact they have much less impact than our body language and tone of voice.

There are many other reasons too aren’t there why people lack confidence and all kinds of ‘stuff’ going on in our minds that can hold us back?

And this is where participants on my programme get the most profound results. When people get to the point in their life where they just know that something has to shift and if they keep doing the same things nothing will change!

And these are the people I work with – those who are really committed to explore their values, what they want to achieve in their life and to change the way they have been communicating so they can get there!

They don’t have to change everything about the way they communicate! Just some tweaks here and there and ….

When they can communicate in a way that feels right for them, that’s in alignment with their true values and step outside their comfort zone, they will overcome those things that have been getting in the way over the years!

And that is where the magic happens …

“The comfort zone is a psychological state in which one feels familiar, safe, at ease, and secure. You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

-Roy T. Bennett-

[Author of “The Light in the Heart”]

As always, I will leave you with that thought! I will be in touch again with more thoughts and tips on how you, and / or your team can be more effective communicators.

If you, or one of your colleagues would like to explore this further, you can book a complimentary 30-minute consultation with me! There is absolutely no obligation. After 30 minutes, you / they will have gained more clarity on the next step they want to take.

And don’t forget the Free Masterclass I am running on 13th October at 6.30pm! You can sign up HERE

With best wishes,

P.S. If you would like a spot on The Communication Code  starting on October 20th, let me know! Early Action Bonus ends 7th October 2020. Click HERE to find out more.

Thought for the Week – The Power to Connect!

listen-connectI hope you enjoyed last week’s Thought for the Week; “The Ghosting Epidemic” – about how “ghosting” is becoming more and more common now in the corporate world and workplace. This goes against all we know about etiquette, manners and the importance of good communication.

This week I delivered a course that I run regularly for our local university centre; “Effective and Assertive Communication”. Those who attend are mainly from Corporate backgrounds, and at various levels within their Company.

One of the biggest struggles people face is a lack of confidence and a fear of upsetting others by saying things in the wrong way. And I have seen clients tie themselves in absolute knots over this wondering how to phrase things!

Communication can be perceived as complicated, especially with all of the different modes of communication we have these days, yet the techniques I show people, just simplify this whole dilemma!

It always amazes me to see the lightbulbs going on as people realise how they have been over-complicating the way they communicate and how simple it is when they know how!

Then, when they face a tricky situation, they feel better equipped to deal with it and when they handle it well, their confidence soars.

This is a topic I wish I could cover in a few sentences here – this needs more time and interaction. What I can offer you now though is one simple tip …

When another person is agitated / upset, whether it be a client, a colleague, an associate or whatever – just listen to them! And I mean listen without talking!

So, many people believe they are listening when they are actually doing most of the talking, probably without realising!

So, just listen to the other person, let them get everything off their mind. Then, only when they stop talking, summarise what they just told you to ensure you have understood correctly. And you might want to ask a question to clarify something they said or to ask what they have already tried. You might ask them what they most need right at this moment (if that’s appropriate).

This is the quickest way to diffuse conflict – to just listen! It’s so simple and effective and yet people so often forget to do this then get sucked into a negative situation that escalates.

“The most basic and powerful way to connect with another person is to listen. Just Listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention … A loving silence has far more power to heal and to connect that the most well-intentioned words”

-Rachel Naomi Remen-

[Author, including of: “Kitchen Table Wisdom”]

As always, I will leave you with that thought! I will be in touch again with more thoughts and tips on how you, and / or your team can be more effective communicators.

So, if you, or one of your colleagues would like to explore this further, you can book a complimentary 30-minute consultation with me! There is absolutely no obligation. After 30 minutes, you / they will have gained more clarity on the next step they want to take.

Also, I still have a couple of places for The Communication Code Group Coaching Programme starting on October 20th. Click HERE to find out more.

With best wishes,


Thought for the Week – The Ghosting Epidemic!


I hope you enjoyed the last Thought for the Week; “The Redwood Connection and how we can connect and communicate effectively with others who move and speak at a faster pace than us.

If this applied to you, I would love to hear how you got on last week using the tips I gave.

You can see this and previous blogs below.

As you know, I help business owners and leaders who struggle to be taken seriously and to communicate with more impact and authority to turn things around quickly and get great results.

Let me ask this question: How do you handle it when people ghost you?

This week, my VA (virtual assistant) went ghost! She said she was enjoying the work, she has other commitments and, although she didn’t communicate this with me, this is probably because she was over-committed and didn’t like to admit it. This happened twice.

It’s a hot topic these days. We hear about ‘ghosting’ frequently in the dating scene and about relationships that went from red hot to what-the-heck-happened? But what does ghosting in the workplace mean?

It is becoming more and more common now. It goes against all we know about etiquette, manners and the importance of good communication in the corporate world.

Let’s say you are interviewing for a role, someone comes along and tells you they are really interested in the post. You want to hire them and then they don’t respond. Or, they take the role, they come along on the first day and then you never see them again? You have no idea what happened, they just quit without saying anything.

How do you handle it when that kind of thing happens? Yes, it’s a tricky one isn’t it!

The first time it happened to me, I sent a message like this:

“Hi (name), I thought we were off to an amazing start, but you sort of disappeared. I hope everything’s OK. If you want to talk, I’d love to know what happened, good or bad.”

She replied saying she had been in hospital but was fully OK again and wanted to carry on. So we did and while I was on holiday, she did some good work for me and she made recommendations for next steps.

Then when I got back, it happened again! Zero contact once again. So, this time I have just accepted that it is what it is – her inability to share her truth and if she wanted to talk about it she would.

So, when it comes to how to communication here, it’s all about how I manage my internal communication. And when I work with clients who have experienced something similar, this is the bit they struggle with.

Yes, emotions can kick in …

“What did I do or say to make her do that?”

“Is this my fault?”

It can feel like a rejection! Whatever you feel it is valid as a human. And while it’s a positive thing to ask ourselves these questions, you will know whether this is true or not.

And whose responsibility is it after that?

Theirs. We can take responsibility for our part and then we have to let go because that person is processing something they aren’t ready to share.

We deal with our “stuff” and they deal with theirs.

The ghosting says far more about the ‘ghoster’ than the ‘ghosted’.

Don’t take it personally. And don’t spend too much time replaying every word and detail over in your head or wondering what you could’ve done differently. Most likely, nothing.

Has this happened to you with trades people too? People don’t return your calls or get back to you with quotes, leaving you hanging?

In life, relationships are everything and those we connect with on a genuine level, will always remember us.

And let me ask you – have you ever ghosted anyone in business?

If so, that person could come back into your life in a very powerful position! Even if they don’t, we never know how our paths may cross again in the future!

Ghosting destroys Corporate etiquette – never forget the importance of effective communication in business.

As always, I will be in touch again with more thoughts and tips on how you, and / or your team can be more effective communicators.

So, if you, or one of your colleagues is ready to explore this further, you / they can book a complimentary 30-minute consultation with me! There is absolutely no obligation. After 30 minutes, you / they will have gained more clarity on the next steps, empowering you / them to thrive.

“Never make someone else the main character in your own story.”
-J.M. Darhower, Ghosted

As always, I will leave you with that thought!

With best wishes for your success.

P.S. I still have a few places for The Communication Code Group Coaching Programme starting on October 20th. Click HERE to find out more.

Thought for the Week – The Redwood Connection

redwood-connectionWell so much has happened in our World hasn’t it over the past week! We have lost our dear Queen Elizabeth II and what an inspiration she was to us all.

Her Majesty was also one of the best communicators ever known, making instant connections with those she met.

And it all seemed so effortless for her didn’t it!

I hope you enjoyed the last Thought for the Week; “The 7-38-55 Ruleand how much impact our non-verbal communication has without us realising.

You can see previous blogs below.

I am helping business owners and leaders who struggle to be taken seriously and to communicate with more impact and authority to turn things around quickly and get great results.

When I first discovered this, I found it quite shocking how I could be making mistakes without realising. Yes, once we are aware, these can so easily be rectified.

How about the speed at which we talk then?

Have you noticed that, as our World moves at an ever-increasing pace, people around us are speaking faster?

  • How easy is it to listen to them?
  • How easy is it to take in what they are saying?
  • How seriously do we take them?
  • How much impact are they having?
  • How well are they connecting with us as they speak?
  • Do you feel like you are being talked AT when this happens?

Hmmm, I have noticed how I feel when this happens and I find it very difficult to connect with someone if they are speaking at a fast pace.

So, our PACE has so much to do with it, as well as our tone of voice, body language and the words we choose.

Would you walk away or would you try to connect with that person?

If you want to hear what they have to say, then here’s a tip …

Firstly, use their name (if you haven’t already) because when we hear our name, that connects us to the other person.

Then if you can summarise (succinctly) what they just told you to check your understanding, that will slow down the pace and show them that you have been listening. Again, this builds connection.

Then you could ask a question if you need something clarified.

You will be surprised to know how often people forget to stop and work on connecting with people and give up very easily!

As always, I will be in touch again with more thoughts and tips on how you, and / or your team can be more effective communicators.

So, if you, or one of your colleagues is ready to explore this further, you / they can book a complimentary 30-minute consultation with me! There is absolutely no obligation. After 30 minutes, you / they will have gained more clarity on the next steps, empowering you / them to thrive.

“Redwood time moves at a more stately pace than human time. To us, when we look at a redwood tree, it seems to be motionless and still, and yet redwoods are constantly in motion, moving upward into space, articulating themselves and filling redwood space over redwood time, over thousands of years”.

-Richard Preston –

[Bestselling author who has written books about infectious disease, bioterrorism, redwoods and other subjects, as well as fiction]

As always, I will leave you with that thought!

With best wishes for your success.


Korinne Le Page
Thrive Coaching & Training
P.S. I still have a couple of places on The Communication Code Group Coaching Programme starting on October 20th. Click HERE to find out more.

Thought for the Week – The 7-38-55 Rule


6th September 2022

I hope you enjoyed last week’s thought; “Breaking Through!about overcoming the things that hold us back from communicating truthfully and with authority so people take us seriously.

You can see previous blogs below.

I have been helping business owners and leaders who struggle to be taken seriously and to communicate with more impact and authority. Often people assume that if someone is an entrepreneur or leader of some kind, then they must be brilliant communicators and many are.

Others just get by, but know deep down that they could get much better results than they do currently if they knew how to communicate more effectively.

And I cannot emphasis enough how important it is to understand what gets in the way of us communicating effectively before we get into upskilling. But here is one invaluable tip that will help you and / or your colleagues right away …

TIP – The 7-38-55 Rule

You could be making mistakes without realising that could so easily be rectified.

Non-verbal cues like body language and tone of voice can communicate more about a person’s feelings than their words. Research was done around how much impact our words, tone of voice and body language have in face-to-face conversations.

Dr Albert Mehrabian’s 7-38-55 rule is a theory that seeks to quantify how much of what we intend to say is communicated via verbal and non-verbal channels.

  • Our body language has 55% impact
  • Our tone of voice has 38% impact
  • Our words have just 7% impact

So, what does this tell us?

Learning how to apply the 7-38-55 rule will help you to understand what other people are communicating and better control your own messaging.
For example; if you’re in a meeting, looking down most of the time and not making eye contact with people in the room, then you are probably repelling people.

And here’s why …

When we avoid making eye contact with people, we appear to be closed off, less approachable and people may find it difficult to relate to and trust us so they are less likely to take us seriously.

This doesn’t mean that you have to stare at people though, that would be to the other extreme! What to do instead? Just be intentional about how you show up, be approachable, present, smile (when appropriate), make eye contact and listen to people. That goes such a long way.
Do you find yourself making this mistake?

If not, how do you feel about those who do?

Hit reply and let me know!

As always, I will be in touch again with more thoughts and tips on how you, and / or your team can be more effective communicators.

So, if you, or one of your colleagues is ready to explore this further, you / they can book a complimentary 30-minute consultation with me! There is absolutely no obligation. After 30 minutes, you / they will have gained more clarity on the next steps, empowering you / them to thrive.

“When we fear what other people think about us, we are frequently more focused on ‘being interesting’ and less focused on ‘taking an interest.’ That’s why many people talk a great deal when they are anxious and why many people never feel heard. If both people and conversation are trying to be interesting, there is no one left to genuinely listen.”

-John Yokoyama-

 [“When Fish Fly: Lessons for Creating a Vital and Energized Workplace from the World-Famous Pike Place Fish Market”]

As always, I will leave you with that thought!

With best wishes for your success.


Korinne Le Page
Thrive Coaching & Training
P.S. I still have a few places for The Communication Code Group Coaching Programme starting on October 20th. Click HERE to find out more.

Thought for the Week – Breaking Through!


30th August 2022

I hope you enjoyed last week’s thought; “Walking the Line” about balancing risk, accountability and wellbeing. You can see previous blogs below.

I shared about the time I ran a leadership programme for Sandy Lane Hotel in Barbados and how they overcame ‘walking the line’.

As you know, I specialise in helping business owners and leaders who are ready to communicate with more impact and authority. To achieve this, first we have to explore what gets in the way of us communicating with truth and authority and then we get into the nitty gritty of HOW to do that.

  • You may already be doing this and getting great results.
  • You may struggle at times, or you may want to help colleagues to communicate more effectively and to have more impact and authority.

So, this week, I invite you (or your colleagues) to make a list of what gets in the way of communicating effectively. For instance, this could be …

  • Self-doubt and believing that you don’t have anything worthwhile to contribute.
  • The belief that other people are cleverer than you
  • You don’t want to get “above yourself”
  • You don’t want to be perceived as ‘pushy’

These are just a few examples of the things that can get in the way for some of us in our communication, so we hold back from saying what we actually want to say.

However, believe that you DO have something valuable to contribute and if you hold back, you could be denying the other person / people of finding a solution, or whatever the aim is of the discussion. Even if you say something and it is dismissed or not taken seriously, you have put that idea out there in other peoples’ minds!

And with some small shifts, you CAN communicate in such a way that people take notice of you, you are seen and heard and have the authority you deserve.

What is “Authority”?

Many have a negative perception of this for some reason, probably because they have had bad experiences in the past that they’ve put down to “authority”. This could be …

  • A teacher who put them down
  • Being bullied in the past by a boss or someone who didn’t know better
  • The perception of people in authority such as traffic wardens

While these experiences leave a mark on our self-belief, we CAN overcome them.

This is my approach – to overcome what holds us back before building up new skills, tools and techniques. How?

Well, I work with people, either on a one-to-one basis, or within a group coaching programme, which is very different to a training course. (I deliver training courses too and actually prefer to run these as part of a larger programme that consolidates and reinstates skills over time, rather than just one isolated course).

You may well have experienced a Group Coaching programme and will know that these are different to a one-day training course because, not only do you get some one-to-one coaching with me, you are with other like-minded people who are struggling with similar issues. So, you all learn so much from each other as well as from me.

Honestly, this is transformational and at the end of the day, that is what we want as humans isn’t it! If we are struggling with something, we want to experience a real difference.

Why am I telling you this?

Firstly, because I am passionate about this (if you didn’t already know that!) and because in the past I have denied myself opportunities because of my self-limiting beliefs that held me back. And I want to do what I can to help others who are struggling too – but only if they are ready to take action and see that transformation.

Sometimes people hold back because they are afraid of success! They have a fear of what change will bring.

So, if you, or one of your colleagues is ready to overcome these struggles, you / they can book a complimentary 30-minute consultation with me! There is absolutely no obligation. After 30 minutes, you / they will have gained more clarity on the next steps, empowering you / them to thrive.

And here is a quote from an amazing lady who has coached me through a group coaching programme …

Breakthroughs happen when limiting thoughts and behaviours are challenged.
Fabienne Fredrickson

[Inspirational mentor to thousands of clients worldwide, author, international speaker and founder of Boldheart]

And you or a colleague may be ready to jump in right now! If so, I still have a few places for The Communication Code Group Coaching Programme starting on October 20th. Click HERE to find out more.

With best wishes for your success.


Korinne Le Page
Thrive Coaching & Training
P.S. Book that free 30-minute session – what have you got to lose?

Thought for the Week – Walking the Line

walking-the-line-2I hope you enjoyed last week’s thought; “Balance Realigned” about realigning ourselves to balance what we desire and how we conduct our lives on a daily basis. What conclusions did you come to for yourself over the past week?

For me, I had some interesting conversations and somebody mentioned how we are constantly walking the line between risk and responsibility. That really resonated with me …

It was so timely after last week’s post because it got me thinking about how we walk this line between taking risks and being accountable while aligning ourselves and achieving balance!

A few years back, I ran a Leadership training programme for the Directors of the 6-Star Sandy Lane Hotel (Barbados) which was reopening after it had been rebuilt. For the reopening, there were new departmental directors joining the original team.

They described how their daily work at the hotel was like ‘walking a tightrope’ – they had to constantly exceed guests’ expectations while often doing this juggling act behind the scenes!

A vision of a circus comes up doesn’t it!

Well, part of the programme I created for them was a team-building day where they completed an assault course and walked a high-wire (with full safety lines of course)! And this was very interesting because some wanted to take part while others resisted. Those who resisted wanted both of us facilitators to walk the line!

We could have said no because we were there to facilitate (be accountable) and not take part. But we thought about it and decided why not – because we wanted to role model the concept and show we were prepared to take risks!

Yes, this felt like a risk at the time though because, of course we had to weigh up the overall benefit to the group of us taking part, and the reality was that we did it for them not for ourselves. Of course, for us it felt less risky to stay on the ground! Anyway, we both did it.

The outcome was the group’s realisation of the magic and force of a team who works and takes risks together. And this is powerful stuff!

The transformation for them was, not only bonding with the newer directors, it was also about how they balance the pressure of having to be the best at what they do while keeping their wellbeing paramount, as well as that of their guests.

  • What feels like a high-wire in your life right now?
  • How can you balance this so you can feel good about it?

As you know, I specialise in helping business owners and leaders who are ready to communicate with more impact and authority. To achieve this, first we have to explore what gets in the way of us communicating with truth and authority and then we get into the nitty gritty of HOW to do that.

So, if you would like my help, why not book a complimentary 30-minute consultation with me! There is absolutely no obligation – really! After 30 minutes, you will have gained more clarity on your next steps to get where you want to be, empowering you to thrive. Choose your time slot HERE

What’s in it for me? Well, yes I am running a business and at the same time, this is also my vocation. I genuinely love to gift one complimentary session because I know that will make a difference to that person, even if it just sows a tiny seed in their mind. In my experience, they remember how that session made a difference to them and, when they are ready, they often come back to me.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
Anais Nin

[French-born writer]

As always, I will leave you with that thought!

With best wishes for your success.

P.S. I still have a few places for The Communication Code Group Coaching Programme starting on October 20th. Click HERE to find out more.

Thought for the Week – Balance Realigned!


My last Thought for the Week was “The Pathway to Mastery” all about mastering our inner reactions so we can become more effective communicators, have more authentic authority and enjoy success.

Most of us want to be the best version of ourselves in each area of our lives, whether it is at work, in our personal lives, in sport, as parents, in hobbies etc.

At the same time, we are human and learning as we go! If we make mistakes along the way, that’s all part of our journey and hopefully we learn from that and keep developing.

And that’s it – it’s all about learning isn’t it! From the first moment we are born we are learning, to the best of our ability, right up until the moment we pass on.

But how much pressure we put on ourselves sometimes! Yes sometimes we have a deadline such as an exam, or work commitment or something we have to learn about. As long as this is just temporary pressure, we can cope with that.

For me, while I’m coaching and running training programmes I’m continuing to learn all the time. Learning happens in serious situations and also when we are “at leisure”, “at play” and doing interesting and fun things. In fact, over all the years I have been running training programmes, I have seen that the greatest learning happens when people are relaxed and having fun!

So, putting ourselves under loads of pressure over prolonged periods is detrimental to our short-term and long-term wellbeing and success.

Only you will know how to balance this in your life. At the same time, many people struggle to do that – I have been helping people for a long time, through counselling, coaching and training programmes.

So, if you would like my help, why not book that 30-minute consultation with me! It’s completely complimentary and there are no obligations at all. After 30 minutes, you will have gained more clarity on your next steps to get where you want to be, empowering you to thrive. Choose your time slot HERE

“Getting in balance is not so much about adopting new strategies to change your behaviors, as it is about realigning yourself in all of your thoughts so as to create a balance between what you desire and how you conduct your life on a daily basis”
Wayne Dyer, Being in Balance

[Self-help author and motivational speaker]

As always, I will leave you with that thought!

With best wishes for your success.


Korinne Le Page
Thrive Coaching & Training
P.S. I am now opening up places for The Communication Code Group Coaching Programme starting on October 20th. Click HERE to find out more.

Thought for the Week – The Pathway to Mastery


My last Thought for the Week was “Calm is a Superpower!” and how being calm does not mean you’re weak. On the contrary; being calm in times of adversity is an incredible strength and pure mastery.

And when it comes to the way we connect and communicate with others, then we cannot master great communication until we master our inner self! Inner mastery is key to self-growth.

We can try to control so many factors outside of our control, but if we can achieve inner-mastery, self-growth becomes easier for us to achieve.

To achieve this, we need to have some form of control, either internal or external. However, external control puts us at the mercy of others, while internal control puts us at our own mercy! So, it’s all about mastering our inner self and learning to control our impulses.

A while back, I shared with you a great tool called “The Sphere of Control & Influence” and I invite you to check this out (you will find this in my blog). So many people I have coached tell me this very simple tool has completely changed how they master their inner self.

Of course, we learn to master our inner self in various ways …

  1. Struggling alone through trial and error and learning from our mistakes (hopefully)
  2. Going through very challenging life experiences
  3. Through a great leader supporting us in our growth
  4. Through having a great team around us where we feel safe to give and receive genuine feedback
  5. Through training courses
  6. Receiving great coaching with a great Development Coach
  7. Through a Group Coaching programme where you are with like-minded people with similar challenges and build trust to experiment and work through your challenges.

We are all at different stages in our self-growth and struggling through is learning in itself because it gives us an example of how we DON’T want things to be! It also motivates us to make serious changes.

I have learned throughout my life by all of the points above 1-7 and by far the most effective were 3, 6 and 7 (at different times) BUT only when I was at the right point in my life for these to work for the long-term. If I hadn’t been, then it would have been a bit like that proverbial sheep dip and probably wouldn’t have changed much!

I work with business owners and leaders who are ready for that next step and to take on that challenge. They have struggled on alone for long enough and, because they aren’t getting the results they hoped for, they realise it comes down to the way they communicate in certain situations.

Most of them are actually quite good communicators! There are just certain areas where they are uncertain, so they lose confidence and authority because something is holding them back. Very often they have no idea what that is. Sometimes they are aware but just don’t know what to do about it.

If you would like to explore this further, you can BOOK A COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION After 30 minutes, you will have gained more clarity on your inner mastery and the next step you need to take to thrive and get where you want to be in your life.

We won’t fix everything in 30 minutes of course! What you will take away with you at the end is a greater awareness of what has to change and how to do that. You can choose your time slot HERE

“Most people are interested in success, but are too busy and distracted by their habituated day to day activities, to be COMMITTED to creating real success in every area of their lives.”
Tony Dovale-

[Founder and CEO of Life Masters. He’s the Business Soul Surgeon, and the #BulletProof Growth-Optimised Mindset Guy].

As always, I will leave you with that thought!

With best wishes for your success.

P.S. I am now opening up places for The Communication Code Group Coaching Programme starting on October 20th. Click HERE to find out more.

Thought for the Week – Calm is a Superpower!



My last Thought for the Week was “Now vs Then” and how, while we may feel disappointed with our life right this moment and compare it with happier times way back, we then realise how much closer we are right now to all we ever wanted than we were back then!


This week, I saw a great LinkedIn Post from @Kelly Mizell (Senior GM at JLL) talking about “Calm is a Superpower” – did you see it? I thought how timely is that because I mentioned this thought in my blog; “The Cradle of Power” a couple of weeks back!

Great minds think alike … and in synchronicity!

Kelly says ….

“It’s easy to get upset. It’s easy to get angry and strike out. It’s easy to get offended and take things personally, even when they weren’t intended to be so. What isn’t easy is choosing to be calm in a fearful society. Being calm does not mean you’re weak. On the contrary; being calm is an incredible strength”.

“One of the best lessons you can learn in life is to master how to remain calm. Calm is a super power.”
~ Bruce Lee ~

And she showed this powerful image of a white tiger.

I agree with Kelly. And when it comes to the way we connect and communicate with others, then the first step has to be to ideally only approach any situation when we feel calm.

Yes, we are only human! If we find ourselves getting riled up over something, where can we go to recalibrate and find that inner calm? Our “Treehouse”? (I wrote about this recently too).

But how about if we don’t have time to go to our “Treehouse” to find some calm and inner peace and we have to respond right there and then?

Well as Bruce Lee suggests, we have to learn to master this inner calm and this is the first step we cover on “The Communication Code” Group Coaching Programme; We cannot master great communication until we master our inner self!

As you know, I help business owners and leaders just like you to be seen, heard, connect and communicate with impact and authority so they can enjoy the impact and business success they deserve. I bring tried and tested insights that will cut through your challenges and replace them with the right solutions for you, your business and your industry.

If you would like my support, you can BOOK A COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION After a 30-minute consultation, you will have gained more clarity on your next steps to become an outstanding communicator, empowering you to thrive. Choose your time slot HERE

“The body is an outstanding source of strength; the mind an incredible source of intelligence; the heart an uncommon source of might; and the soul a remarkable source of power.”
– Matshona Dhliwayo –

[Philosopher, Entrepreneur, and Author]

As always, I will leave you with that thought!

With best wishes for your success.


P.S. I am now opening up places for The Communication Code Group Coaching Programme starting on October 20th. Click HERE to find out more.