Thought for the Week – Now vs Back Then!


Last week’s Thought for the Week was about “Roadblock or Gateway?” and how, if we need to slow down our journey to get more clarity, we can see that an apparent “road block” could actually be the gateway we need to move forward.

See previous blogs below.

This week’s Though will be short and sweet and I would love to know what you think about this!

  • How do you look back on your past? With pride or with regret?
  • How do you see your present moment? With pride or disappointment?

Some of my clients have found that when they reflect on their past, they do so with pride and yet they feel more disappointed with their life in the present moment!

But then they realise how much closer they are right now to all they ever wanted than they were back then!

Is any of this this at all true for you *|FNAME|*?

When it comes to how we communicate, believe me, until we see what’s holding us back, we will struggle to communicate effectively and authentically.

“Take pride in how far you’ve come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don’t forget to enjoy the journey.” 

-Michael Josephson-

[Credited by many as the person most responsible for reviving and professionalising the character education in school and youth-serving organisations.]

As always, I will leave you with that thought.

I also invite you to book a Complimentary Consultation with me where you can explore this further.

With best wishes for your success.

P.S. I am now opening up places for The Communication Code Group Coaching Programme starting on October 20th. Click HERE to find out more.

Published by korinnethrive

Hello, I’m Korinne … I work with committed and determined professionals who want to master their communication skills. Often they believe they are doing OK and yet they know they are not getting the results they want and deserve. I’m passionate about helping people to achieve their vision and get results. I have been working with Business Owners and Leaders for more that 25 years, helping them to realise their vision of what they truly want, overcome barriers to effective communication, so they can be the best version of themselves and thrive in their lives.

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