Thought for the Week – “U is for Unstoppable!”

So, as we get into a new week, this week’s thought is all about ….

“U is for Unstoppable!”

As entrepreneurs and leaders, we really do have to be an unstoppable force!

For instance; are you watering down your marketing message to make it more mainstream believing that it will be more palatable to who you think is your ideal customer?

Take a risk and fly your flag brightly and it will get some curiosity going!

Clarify WHY you do what you do and then look again at the what you do and how you do it.

Then decide to go for your REAL Vision that’s built around your WHY – the vision that you may have thought was too big or impossible to achieve.

Every problem in your niche has a solution and being unstoppable doesn’t mean that we have to be some kind of super-hero.

It doesn’t mean that we have to be extra-brilliant, or extra-courageous. It just means assuming that every problem our ideal customers face does have a solution!

The only difference between rich and poor is that rich people are willing to solve more problems.

We have learned not to use old resources because things are changing so quickly …

Now, it’s all about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning across the board – the No.1 thing in growing a business today.

And we don’t have to know how a lightbulb works to see the light!

Artificial Intelligence gives us access to virtually everyone these days, no matter what we sell.

AI is about machines learning to do smart things, e.g.; Uber – AI figures out all of the details increasing our scope and reach.

Here are 4 Steps to become Unstoppable …

  • Master Heart-Centred Marketing (based on your Big Why you do what you do)
  • Master Your Inner Game (mindset)
  • Master Your Time
  • Look for opportunities to solves problems for your ideal customers.

I hope you have enjoyed this “Thought for the Week” – Go Forth and be an Unstoppable Force for Good!

And if you haven’t already, remember that I would love to help you to explore you own hopes, dreams and challenges and create a roadmap to success with you. Book your Free Clarity Session and there is absolutely no obligation and we can meet via Zoom or Skype.

Have a great week!

Very best wishes for your success.


Find out more about “The A to Z’s of Success”



Published by korinnethrive

Hello, I’m Korinne … I work with committed and determined professionals who want to master their communication skills. Often they believe they are doing OK and yet they know they are not getting the results they want and deserve. I’m passionate about helping people to achieve their vision and get results. I have been working with Business Owners and Leaders for more that 25 years, helping them to realise their vision of what they truly want, overcome barriers to effective communication, so they can be the best version of themselves and thrive in their lives.

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