Thought for the Week – “V is for Virtuosity”

So, as we get into a new week, this week’s thought is all about ….

“V for Virtuosity!”

One of the problems most people have, who have great ideas is that they remain in the mind.

So, it’s a great journey from taking that idea in your mind onto a drawing board perfect it, then very few actually are able to make that design into a physical prototype.

Then there are the few who actually make that prototype into a commercial model and very, very few people who can actually sustain that commercial model.

The true entrepreneur is the one who goes through that entire journey of producing their idea from the mind into a real sustainable model and bringing about a transformation through their innovation.

And successful business owners and leaders use their creativity and apply strategic thinking to create effective business plans.

Virtuosity is all about Mastery. 

Mastery is the technical skills needed, including the day-to-day mechanics of running a business, producing products, delivering services, making money and managing people.

And Business Mastery is of course grounded around Personal Mastery.

So, Business Mastery consists of: –

  1. Personal Mastery

Having a Growth Mindset vs a Fixed Mindset, being crystal clear on WHY you do what you do and then always looking for ways to improve WHAT you do and HOW you do it.

This is what truly sets successful people apart from the ”also rans”.

Those people who are sponge-like to new learning, always looking to improve themselves, as opposed to those who are the “Rocks” who say; “I Know” and close themselves down to new learning.

  1. Destination Mastery

Knowing, living and breathing your “Big Why” you do what you do, who you help and where you are going.

  1. Delivery Mastery

This is how you deliver consistently, ethically, sustainably, flexibly and profitably.

Adapting to Changing businessmarket and customer realities. Being Flexible and not being in denial or avoiding tough choices. Learning through trial and error.

  1. Money Mastery

This speaks for itself.

  1. Time Mastery

This is so much more than ‘Time Management’ – it is all about balancing success, productivity, value and ethics.

The recent global crisis raises pressing issues that are not exclusively economic. The health of the economy reflects the moral health of the wider culture:

Ethics must be considered along with economics to understand world markets, especially now that globalisation and other forces have increasingly complicated the regulation of transnational corporate conduct.

And the importance of ethics in business that integrates economics and ethics is more important than ever before.

Value creation becomes a ubiquitous term that ties these two seemingly separate modes of thinking together so that virtuosity in business inevitably entails virtue and a commitment to moral standards. (We have several V’s here!)

Now, business people and ethicists are being called upon to expand their thinking by stressing the profound relevance of philosophy to business and economics! This is because “ethics” has been the overriding problem for business and that it is the only enduring solution.

Applying the concept of ‘virtue’ to the competitive realm of the marketplace …

Virtuosity, in all realms of human endeavour, is not merely a display of technical skill or adherence to conventional norms.

The invisible law of virtuosity, which discourages misconduct and rewards good corporate citizenship, guides ethical firms and wise entrepreneurs toward greater success by playing a constructive part in the human enterprise.

So, reviving business ethics addresses concerns arising from the global crisis, such as restoring faith in the market, respect for human rights, and environmental sustainability.

How can you achieve Virtuosity while improving your bottom line?

I hope you have enjoyed this “Thought for the Week”

And if you haven’t already, remember that I would love to help you to explore you own hopes, dreams and challenges and create a roadmap to success with you.

You can book your Free Clarity Session and there is absolutely no obligation and we can meet via Zoom or Skype.

Have a great week!

Very best wishes for your success.


Find out more about “The A to Z’s of Success”

Published by korinnethrive

Hello, I’m Korinne … I work with committed and determined professionals who want to master their communication skills. Often they believe they are doing OK and yet they know they are not getting the results they want and deserve. I’m passionate about helping people to achieve their vision and get results. I have been working with Business Owners and Leaders for more that 25 years, helping them to realise their vision of what they truly want, overcome barriers to effective communication, so they can be the best version of themselves and thrive in their lives.

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