Thought for the Week – My Boss Changed My Life!



Last week’s Thought for the Week was about “Owning It” which I hope you found thought-provoking!

I mentioned that I used to be shy and had a fear of speaking in front of people, even though I met hundreds of people a day working in Customer Service for British Airways (on the ground).

I had been working as Duty Manager in the Lost Baggage department for around 3 years when one day my boss, called Carolyne, came to tell me that a job had come up in the BA Training Department and she believed I should go for it.

Well, I said; “Hmm! Have you forgotten how terrified I am every time I have to do a presentation in front of people?”

Because Carolyne listened to me, believed in me, empowered me and made me feel like an equal, I applied for the job and was successful. Of course, my fear didn’t go away and I wondered what I had done!

Well, I hope you can remember a time when someone who was a boss, a teacher, scout leader, Brown Owl or whatever changed your life too!

My first assignment was to write a Stress Management Programme for the airline that would be delivered world-wide. Because I was training to be a counsellor at the time with the BA Employee Assistance Programme, his was in my comfort zone. Step 1 was accomplished.

Even though I still had nerves about delivering training sessions, I realised that I was so much more confident when I delivered my own training material. I had ownership. It was when I had to learn something new and deliver it that the fear really kicked in.

However, I overcame it and was managing a team of trainers world-wide and then Training Account Manager for the UK Airports. One of my projects was training staff across the UK in ticketless travel when it first arrived in the UK. (How did we manage before when we had paper tickets!)

Then on 01 Jan 2022, I started my own Training Company!

So, thank you Carolyne! Today we are the leaders that people will remember tomorrow who made a big difference to their lives.

“Good Leadership is an opportunity to bring someone back to their own mind, to show them how good they can be”

-Nancy Kline-

As always, I will leave that with that thought.

By the way, The Communication Code Group Coaching Programme has started with a lovely group of Business Owners and Leaders and all is going very well.

With best wishes,

P.S. Ask me about the next Communication Code Group Programme

P.P.S. Why not start the year by booking a Complimentary Clarity Session! Click HERE

Published by korinnethrive

Hello, I’m Korinne … I work with committed and determined professionals who want to master their communication skills. Often they believe they are doing OK and yet they know they are not getting the results they want and deserve. I’m passionate about helping people to achieve their vision and get results. I have been working with Business Owners and Leaders for more that 25 years, helping them to realise their vision of what they truly want, overcome barriers to effective communication, so they can be the best version of themselves and thrive in their lives.

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