Thought for the Week – Why Do We Wait?

why-do-we-waitLast week’s Thought for the Week was “The Questions We Forget to Ask. If you missed it, you could catch up here

This week, I’ve been reflecting on another powerful theme – Why Do We Wait?

This reflection was sparked by a deeply personal experience. I travelled to Switzerland this week for my aunt’s funeral – a beautiful but bittersweet gathering. While it was, of course, a sad occasion, the silver lining was reconnecting with my Swiss family, some of whom I hadn’t seen for years.

Despite staying in touch from afar, it struck all of us how rare it is for us to come together in person – and how often it takes a moment of loss to make it happen.

The pure mountain air had a grounding effect on me, as did the quiet realisation that so many of us had been “waiting.” Waiting for the right time, the next opportunity, or perhaps for life to create the moment for us. But moments like these remind us: life doesn’t always wait.

So, this week I invite you to reflect on this:

  • What connections or reconnections are you “waiting” to make?
  • Who haven’t you seen in a while – not because you don’t care, but because “life got in the way”?

Sometimes we think, “I’ll message them next week,” or “We’ll catch up soon.” But what if we didn’t wait? What if we reached out today, not out of obligation but out of love and care?

What I learned this week is that while we can’t control life’s losses, we can choose its moments of connection. We don’t have to wait for a reason or a “good excuse” to reach out to people we care about.

The air in the Swiss mountains is fresh, clear, and pure. It reminded me that clarity doesn’t always come from thinking harder – sometimes, it comes from being present. In that spirit, I’ll leave you with this question:

Who will you reach out to today, simply because you can?

“We keep telling ourselves we have time. But one day, we’ll run out of ‘next times.’ ”
Unknown –

With warmest wishes,


Korinne Le Page
Thrive Coaching & Training
– Empowering You to Thrive!
P.S. Feel free to share your experiences and insights!

P.P.S. Book a complimentary Clarity Session with me here



#Communication #ThoughtForTheWeek #ThriveCoachingTraining #Connection

Published by korinnethrive

Hello, I’m Korinne … I work with committed and determined professionals who want to master their communication skills. Often they believe they are doing OK and yet they know they are not getting the results they want and deserve. I’m passionate about helping people to achieve their vision and get results. I have been working with Business Owners and Leaders for more that 25 years, helping them to realise their vision of what they truly want, overcome barriers to effective communication, so they can be the best version of themselves and thrive in their lives.

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