Last week’s Thought for the Week was “Is being ‘Good at Communicating’ holding you back. If you missed it, you can catch up here
This week, let’s explore a related question:
What assumptions are you bringing into your conversations?
Perhaps this hasn’t come up for you, so you don’t see this as an issue.
In any case, can you think about the last time a conversation didn’t go as planned …
Often, miscommunication stems not from what was said, but from the assumptions we made – about someone’s intentions, priorities, or even their understanding of what was discussed.
Here’s the challenge: Assumptions are invisible until we pause to question them.
In this conversation you just thought about, consider this:
- Did you assume that the other person saw the situation the way you do?
- Did you assume that they wanted the same outcome?
- Or maybe you assumed that they already understood your perspective?
What would have happened if, instead of assuming, you had asked more questions?
This week, what would happen if you started with a question such as: “What’s your perspective on this?”
It’s amazing how often clarity and connection emerge when we replace assumptions with curiosity and the quality of our conversations depends on the quality of our questions.
“Ask more than you assume. Curiosity creates bridges; assumptions create walls.”
– Unknown –
What’s one assumption you’ve challenged recently that changed the direction of a conversation? I’d love to hear your story.
With warmest wishes,
Korinne Le Page
Thrive Coaching & Training – Empowering You to Thrive!
P.S. Feel free to share your experiences and insights!
P.P.S. Book a complimentary Clarity Session with me here
#Communication #ThoughtForTheWeek #ThriveCoachingTraining #Connection