Last week’s Thought for the Week was “What has “Accompaniment” Got to Do with Anything?” – the art of being present, listening deeply, and empowering those we lead. If you missed it, you can catch up here
Have you ever been told you’re a great communicator because you’re always clear, articulate, and confident?
But then… something doesn’t quite land. A message gets misunderstood, or someone reacts in a way you didn’t expect.
Here’s the question: Could what makes you feel like an effective communicator actually be causing disconnection?
What do I mean by this?
Well, we often think communication is about saying the right things in the right way. But here’s a thought: Are you listening to respond, or are you listening to understand?
True connection doesn’t come from how clearly we speak – it comes from how deeply the other person feels heard.
This week, I invite you to pause and ask yourself: Am I communicating for clarity, or am I communicating for connection?
Spoiler: they’re not always the same!
“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”
– George Bernard Shaw –
It would be great to hear from you about one moment recently where you felt your communication didn’t land the way you hoped?
With warmest wishes,
Korinne Le Page
Thrive Coaching & Training – Empowering You to Thrive!
P.S. Feel free to share your experiences and insights!
P.P.S. Book a complimentary Clarity Session with me here