Thought for the Week – The Myth of Your Comfort Zone

comfort-zoneLast week’s Thought was “Adaptive Communication – The Key to Success where we explored the power of adaptive communication and how it shapes our success. If you missed it, you could catch up here

[Photo: Pok Rie]

This week let’s delve deeper into the terrain where true growth begins – beyond the myth of our comfort zone, especially in how we communicate.

The comfort zone in communication is often all about the familiar scripts that we follow, the predictable responses we give, and the safe topics we discuss. It’s easy to stick to what we know, avoiding the discomfort of deeper, more meaningful conversations.

Now let’s challenge this narrative! Is your communication truly effective, or is it just a boundary that you have learned to accept?

Imagine standing at the edge of a conversation that could transform a relationship or a project. The words you haven’t said yet, the honest feedback you have held back, are like the unexplored paths in a vast forest.

This forest is the realm of growth, where adaptive communication thrives. It’s where vulnerability meets authenticity, and new levels of understanding are reached.

Consider Jane, who had always stuck to polite, surface-level conversations with her team. It felt safe and non-confrontational. Yet, she noticed a lack of genuine connection and progress. One day, she decided to have an open dialogue about the challenges they were facing. The initial conversation was uncomfortable, yet she discovered that it opened the door to deeper trust and collaboration. Jane found that embracing uncertainty in her communication fostered a more dynamic and successful team.

I can relate to all of this too. When I look back, there were times when I was ‘playing safe’ and taking, what I believed then, was the path of least resistance!

Another example: Mark, who communicated strictly through emails, avoiding face-to-face discussions. He decided to start having regular one-to-one meetings with his colleagues. These interactions, though initially daunting, fostered stronger relationships and a clearer exchange of ideas. Mark realised that his previous communication style had been a comfortable yet limiting barrier.

Stepping beyond the left-brain logical confines of rehearsed dialogues, we find that the comfort zone in communication is not a place of genuine connection but a cage that limits our potential for deeper understanding.

Whereas the creative and contextual right-hand side of our brain beckons us to engage, to experience conversations, not as a series of safe exchanges, rather as opportunities for bold honesty and vibrant connection.

Consider this: when you last had a conversation that pushed you beyond your comfort zone, how did it feel?

Was there a moment of clarity, a deeper connection that reminded you of the power of authentic communication?

This is the essence of stepping into the unknown in conversations – it’s not about abandoning logic but complementing it with empathy, context, and the courage to be vulnerable.

If you reflect on these stories and your own communication habits for a moment …

Are there conversations that you have avoided, truths you have softened, or feedback you have withheld to stay within the comfort of the known?

Challenge these narratives. Growth in communication is regenerative –every step into unknown, uncharted territories strengthens our connections and broadens our perspectives.

So, this week, I invite you to reflect on the myths that bind you in communication. Is your comfort zone truly a sanctuary, or is it a story that you’ve told yourself to avoid the wild unknown of honest dialogue?

Embrace the whispers of the unspoken, the call of the unexplored conversation. Let your right brain lead you on a journey of discovery and transformation in how you communicate.

Remember, growth begins where the comfort zone ends, and this is where the magic happens! In that space, as well as fining success, you will also find a profound sense of connection and understanding.

A ship is safe in harbour, but that’s not what ships are for.”

John Augustus Shedd

[Author of “Salt from My Attic]


Let’s continue the conversation: How is adapting your communication style helping you to transform relationships? Share your experiences – I’d love to hear your thoughts and insights!

With warmest wishes,


Korinne Le Page
Thrive Coaching & Training
Empowering You to Thrive!
P.S. Feel free to share your experiences and insights!

P.P.S. Book a complimentary Clarity Session with me here



#Communication #ThoughtForTheWeek #ThriveCoachingTraining #Connection # Adaptability #Leadership #Entrepreneur

Published by korinnethrive

Hello, I’m Korinne … I work with committed and determined professionals who want to master their communication skills. Often they believe they are doing OK and yet they know they are not getting the results they want and deserve. I’m passionate about helping people to achieve their vision and get results. I have been working with Business Owners and Leaders for more that 25 years, helping them to realise their vision of what they truly want, overcome barriers to effective communication, so they can be the best version of themselves and thrive in their lives.

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