Thought for The Week – Moon Shot Thinking!

moonshot-thinkingI hope you enjoyed my last  email and blog post about Eaters and Bakers. As you know, I am launching a new virtual Group Coaching Programme in the New Year and so I went on a Digital course myself last week. Things are moving even faster since the pandemic hit us aren’t they and we have to evolve otherwise we just stand still – and probably go out of business.

Even though I have been an Entrepreneur since 2000, I realised a really important point that even the largest organisations have to keep going back to basics. To evolve, we have to keep unlearning old habits and relearning new ones and think like a Start-up Business more than ever,.

And we have to Think Big around

  • Invention
  • Commercialisation
  • Scaling

Invention: Google uses this term; “Moon Shot Thinking”

This is all about taking an idea and then 10X it, i.e., what would be the 10 times bigger version of this idea?

Commercialisation: What our market wants. Is our product or service a good fit for the market we want to launch in?

Scaling: How do you use the evidence and data you have gained about what you do to make smart decisions that enable you to scale up?

A fun exercise for you to do either on your own or with a group or team …

  • Think of an innovative business idea based on evolving customer needs.
  • Think about your customers and their evolving needs. Then pick a customer or business problem and think of an innovative way to solve this specific issue.
  • Now, come up with a promising new product or service concept
  • Get creative now: What types or technology could play a role? E.g., VR or A.I.
  • Create a package name.
  • Develop it into a two-minute elevator pitch that explains who you help and how it solves their problem.

See what comes out of it and you never know, you may very well come up with your next winning formula!

I will leave you with that thought.

With best wishes for your success and speak again soon.


P.S. Book a FREE Clarity Call HERE




Published by korinnethrive

Hello, I’m Korinne … I work with committed and determined professionals who want to master their communication skills. Often they believe they are doing OK and yet they know they are not getting the results they want and deserve. I’m passionate about helping people to achieve their vision and get results. I have been working with Business Owners and Leaders for more that 25 years, helping them to realise their vision of what they truly want, overcome barriers to effective communication, so they can be the best version of themselves and thrive in their lives.

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