Thought for the Week – Do you ever feel invisible?

The younger generation will tell you that being invisible is a good thing in computer games like Minecraft!

But what if someone feels invisible in real life?

You may have heard about how we can develop this sense of “wounded self” – it’s a view of ourselves that we let affect us based on how our parents, teachers, friends, family members, and strangers treated us in the past.

Imagine if you were in a situation like this …

You’re in a meeting, crowded room or social event, and you look around. Everyone seems to be talking to one another – perhaps you arrived by yourself or you came with friends. Laughter fills the air, and your self-awareness heightens. You realise that you’re just standing there, and you feel distanced from the rest of the people in the room. You feel as though everyone could walk right through you, as if you weren’t there. You think to yourself, “I just don’t seem to fit in”.

You may have heard of Deepak Chopra, an American author and public speaker? Well, he explained that there are different kinds of invisibility. And if someone is feeling invisible, first, they must acknowledge what they are feeling and what aspect of themselves is being unseen or unheard. For example …

  • Are they not feeling heard when they speak?
  • Do they feel their opinions are being disregarded or even discredited?

Now, whilst you may not feel like this at all – do you know someone who does? If so, please feel free to share this email with them.

Once people can pinpoint the situations that make them feel invisible, they can go on to do something about it and I can show them how to do that in their own unique way. If you would like to know more, I’d like to invite them, or you, to book a Free Clarity Call with me personally.

If you are feeling invisible, most of what you’re experiencing is the hidden, wonderful person that makes you, YOU! If you have tucked this person away from yourself and others, now it’s time to untuck and embrace yourself.

Don’t confuse visibility with credibility.

Harvey MacKay (1993). “The Harvey Mackay Rolodex Network Builder”

As always, I will leave you with that thought.

With best wishes for your success and speak again soon.

P.S. Book a FREE Clarity Call HERE

Published by korinnethrive

Hello, I’m Korinne … I work with committed and determined professionals who want to master their communication skills. Often they believe they are doing OK and yet they know they are not getting the results they want and deserve. I’m passionate about helping people to achieve their vision and get results. I have been working with Business Owners and Leaders for more that 25 years, helping them to realise their vision of what they truly want, overcome barriers to effective communication, so they can be the best version of themselves and thrive in their lives.

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