Thought for the Week – A Life Less Ordinary


Last week’s Thought for the Week was; “Why Your Circle Shapes Your Success”

This was about the Power of Proximity and how those we spend the most time with have a huge influence on us and our moods, our outlook and the expectations we have of ourselves and others.

You can see this and all of my previous blogs below.

And here is an example of the Power of Proximity in action …

I just heard some very sad news and still reeling from it. A friend who was also such an inspiration to me, and so many others, has passed away suddenly. Darren Robson was in incredible visionary Entrepreneur and Founder of the Moe Foundation and on the Global Board of the Association for Coaching.

Moe stands for: Me, Others and Everyone and that sums up what the Foundation is all about. People choose how much they want to pay and when people cannot pay, they are gifted a place.

Through his Foundation, so far, Darren has gifted £3 million pounds worth of Coaching Training and support to people from all walks of life. It all started with “The Dream Factory” for young people to help them realise their dreams. The Moe Programmes evolved and are literally life-changing – and you probably wouldn’t believe that unless you had been through one of them.

Darren was very open about his humble beginnings and losing his mother while he was still young and he and his brother started the Moe Foundation as a tribute to her. Their vision was to help less-fortunate younger people and then it evolved to helping everyone.

I first met Darren when I went through one of his Coaching Programmes and that was such a profound experience for me that it changed the way I work with people, whether it be Coaching, Training, with colleagues and in all I do.

Darren wasn’t a Trainer himself; he has an incredible team of people out there making his vision happen. I was one of the people who co-ran 15 courses in Guernsey and became a lead trainer on the Moe Certified Coaching Programme. The programme is profound. It was gifted to Darren by Carol Wilson and based on self-directed learning and awareness, which is where all the magic happens with Coaching.

So, I believe that if it wasn’t for Darren, I wouldn’t be doing what I do right now in the way I am doing it. I have written before about how one person / leader can have such a profound and positive effect on someone, possibly without realising how much.

Since I heard the terrible news, I have been pondering on all of this. And when we lose someone, we think about the last time we spoke to them and the conversation we had don’t we!

I hadn’t spoken to Darren for a while and I really wish I had. We can get so busy and absorbed in our lives that when we lose someone, we regret that gap of time since we showed them how much we appreciate them.

As all the tributes to Darren pour in, I wonder how many of us actually told him what an amazing human he was while he was here.

So, I take this opportunity to share this with you, so you can take this chance to appreciate those who have made the biggest impact on your life by letting them know how much they mean to you.

“Crazy is not following your dream and living a life less ordinary!

-Darren Robson-

[Founder of the Moe Foundation, DRArete.

Title in his own words: “Chief Storyteller / Firestarter”]

And Darren leaves us with the most incredible legacy that will continue for many years to come.

I will leave you with that thought and will be in touch again soon with more thoughts and tips.

With best wishes for your success,



Published by korinnethrive

Hello, I’m Korinne … I work with committed and determined professionals who want to master their communication skills. Often they believe they are doing OK and yet they know they are not getting the results they want and deserve. I’m passionate about helping people to achieve their vision and get results. I have been working with Business Owners and Leaders for more that 25 years, helping them to realise their vision of what they truly want, overcome barriers to effective communication, so they can be the best version of themselves and thrive in their lives.

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