Thought for the Week – Acceptance in Uncertain Times

acceptanceI hope you have had a successful week!

Last week’s thought was; “The Art of Positive Impact” saying how the word ‘Impact” means different things to different people and how making a positive impact, builds fulfilling relationships with those around us. You can see this and all of my previous blogs HERE.

One of the biggest challenges I hear people talk about when they get promoted or start a business is how unexpectedly isolated they feel at first. And how this “Importer Syndrome” can kick in.

When I first took the plunge and started my own business at the beginning of 2000, that’s how it felt for me. I had been in my comfort zone and then started this entirely new venture that was exciting but quite intimidating! I had to get into a new discipline and find the clarity and focus to move forward.

And it took so much longer than expected to get my new business off the ground, so I went through a range of emotions. Fortunately, through all this, my self-belief kept me going and here I am 23 years later and I learned so much through those challenges at the time.

So, if you are feeling like this at the moment, I do get it. Or, you may have felt like this in the past and can relate to it too.

This sense of isolation can be quite debilitating and leave us feeling suspended in limbo and not making much progress, which can add to the stress.

What has helped people to overcome this is firstly to accept that they are not the only ones who feel like this. So, it’s not that they are failing or an “imposter”. Knowing this helps to ‘normalise’ things more.

A barrier to acceptance can be relying on others to accept us before we can accept ourselves! Focussing on what other people think , until we realise that we will not be able to please everyone all of the time and as long as we can accept our choices and can love with those internally, that is our best route.

I call this my ‘internal barometer’ because, actually we know the best course of action to take deep down – it’s only when self-doubt creeps in that we can tie ourselves in knots and spend too much energy focussing on all that external stuff.

Also, accepting those things that we have no control over or cannot influence in any way and letting them go!

Acceptance is so important here because one of the biggest obstacles to our success is NOT accepting situations, ourselves or other people.

You know usually write about Communication, so what has ‘acceptance’ got to do with that? Well, I believe that how much we accept ourselves and others will influence how we communicate. It’s like a foundation stone to our wellbeing and relationships.

“Panic causes tunnel vision.

Calm acceptance of danger allows us to more easily assess the situation and see the options.”

-Simon Sinek-

If you, or someone you know, would like to explore this with me, why not book a Communication Mastery Call with me? You will leave this call with more clarity and insight.

I’ll be in touch again soon with more thoughts and tips!

With best wishes for your success,


Thrive Coaching & Training – Empowering you to Thrive!

PS: Also, the next available Communication Code Group Coaching Programme starts on the 19th October! Check it out.

I’d love to connect with you on LinkedIn

Published by korinnethrive

Hello, I’m Korinne … I work with committed and determined professionals who want to master their communication skills. Often they believe they are doing OK and yet they know they are not getting the results they want and deserve. I’m passionate about helping people to achieve their vision and get results. I have been working with Business Owners and Leaders for more that 25 years, helping them to realise their vision of what they truly want, overcome barriers to effective communication, so they can be the best version of themselves and thrive in their lives.

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